The Turkish Studies Association has been renamed: the association is now called the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association. After an open discussion at the annual 2013 Business Meeting of the TSA held in conjunction with MESA, members of the TSA voted on January 6, 2014 to change the bylaws of the TSA to bring them into alignment with existing practices. With this vote, members also changed the name of the association to the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association to best reflect the diversity of research interests and expertise among members in the association.
The Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, founded and incorporated as the Turkish Studies Association in 1971, is a private, non-profit, non-political organization of persons interested in Turkish and Ottoman studies. The objectives of the Association are to promote high standards of scholarship and instruction; to facilitate communication among its members through meetings and written exchanges of information; and to promote international, scholarly cooperation among persons and organizations concerned with Turkish and Ottoman studies.
The Association’s activities include the publication of the Journal with short research articles, reports of meetings and conferences, book reviews and communications from members. The annual meeting of the Association is held each November in conjunction with the Middle East Studies Association convention. Persons interested in Turkish or Ottoman studies are invited to membership.