In addition to supporting the Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, OTSA membership helps support prizes, awards, and scholarships issued to students and scholars on an annual basis.

Call for Submissions 2025 Awards and Prizes


The annual scholarship from the OTSA Undergraduate Scholarship fund created by the generous donations of our members (especially the late Dr. Nathan Altshuler) over the years provides an introduction to Turkey for qualified undergraduate students who have not had extensive prior experience in Turkey or in Turkish studies. The award is to be used for travel to Turkey and expenses while there, to supplement participation in a program in Turkish language, a study-abroad program, or a work internship; or for study or research in any aspect of Turkey’s history, culture or society.

  • Applications should be submitted to Dr. Efe Balıkcıoğlu []
  • Applicants must currently be enrolled in a degree program at an institution of higher education but may be a graduating senior.
  • Applicants must also be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Canada.

Travel may take place anytime between the announcement of the award and September 30, 2025.

Application Requirements:

1. Statement of Purpose, which should include:

  • how the proposed time in Turkey connects to the applicant’s experiences, interests, and goals;
  • the proposed dates of stay in Turkey and specifics of the program/internship/study, including the sponsoring institution/organization, contact name and numbers

2. Current Curriculum Vitae
3. The most recent Official Academic Transcript. It should be sent directly by the university to the chair of the prize committee, Dr. Efe Balıkçıoglu (
4. Two Letters of Recommendation:  Referees should address letters directly to the OTSA Undergraduate Scholarship Selection Committee and submit them to Dr. Efe Balıkçıoglu (
5. No additional materials will be considered as part of the submission.

Deadline for submission of materials: December 20, 2024