Takvim-i Vekayi

The Calendar of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Virtual Events Communication Platform

If you are interested in submitting your events to be posted on this platform’s calendar, the Takvim-i Vekayi, please fill out this form and e-mail it to osta.webmaster@gmail.com and otsa.webeditor@gmail.com copying secretariattsa@gmail.com at least ten days before your event. The form will be processed within a week of receipt. We are grateful to our volunteer webmaster, Gharam Alsaedi, a UC Davis Computer Science senior, and our volunteer web editor Molly Powers, a UC Davis junior double majoring in International Relations and History, for their work on the Takvim-i Vekayi and to Professor Carole Woodall for her initiative in creating this calendar.

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[Anglo-Turkish Society] Online lecture: ‘Prisoner of the Infidels: The Life and Adventures of Osman Agha of Timişoara, An Ottoman Muslim in 17th-Century Europe’, Giancarlo Casale

September 20, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm BST

In 1688, in the tumultuous aftermath of the failed Ottoman siege of Vienna, a young soldier by the name of Osman of Timişoara fell prisoner to the Austrian Habsburgs, and spent over a decade in captivity. In this respect, he was no different from thousands of other Ottoman subjects who, during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, fell into enemy hands for various reasons and spent time as enslaved captives in Christian Europe. What sets Osman apart, however, is that many years after his safe return to Ottoman territory, he decided to write a detailed account of his experience, resulting in the first book-length autobiography ever composed in Ottoman Turkish. Osman’s account, now available in English translation for the first time, is not only a gripping adventure tale–of prison breaks, back-alley knife fights, and fleeting love affairs–but also a deeply original and evocative work of literature, addressing the profound themes of personhood, self-discovery through alienation, and the impossibility of every truly ‘returning home’ after after an experience of enslavement. https://www.angloturkishsociety.org.uk/doc/Giancarlo-Casale-lecture.pdf

For more information on this event, please visit the event page.

To attend this event, please use this registration link.

Event contact information: contact@angloturkishsociety.org.uk


September 20, 2022
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm BST

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