Takvim-i Vekayi

The Calendar of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Virtual Events Communication Platform

If you are interested in submitting your events to be posted on this platform’s calendar, the Takvim-i Vekayi, please fill out this form and e-mail it to osta.webmaster@gmail.com and otsa.webeditor@gmail.com copying secretariattsa@gmail.com at least ten days before your event. The form will be processed within a week of receipt. We are grateful to our volunteer webmaster, Gharam Alsaedi, a UC Davis Computer Science senior, and our volunteer web editor Molly Powers, a UC Davis junior double majoring in International Relations and History, for their work on the Takvim-i Vekayi and to Professor Carole Woodall for her initiative in creating this calendar.

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[The American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages] 17th AATT GRADUATE STUDENT PRE-CONFERENCE SECOND CIRCULAR

December 1, 2022

The American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages (AATT) is pleased to announce the seventeenth annual “Graduate Student Pre-Conference”. This Pre-Conference was established to mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of AATT. The Pre-Conference is co-sponsored by the institutional members of AATT and AATT.
The 17th annual Pre-Conference will take place ONLINE on December 1, 2022, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, taking place in Denver, CO December 1-4, 2022. AATT Pre-Conference participants are strongly encouraged to attend the MESA conference.
The Pre-Conference is designed to encourage research making significant use of sources in Turkish or other Turkic languages by graduate students in any field enrolled in academic institutions in North America. It aims to promote contact between students at various institutions and allow for feedback from faculty discussants participating in the Pre-Conference. Another goal is to help students progress towards more formal presentations at national conferences such as those of MESA, CESS, and organizations devoted to specific disciplines.
Students should submit a 250-word proposal for a paper together with the following information:
1. Name
2. Current institutional affiliation (department/university)
3. Adviser’s name
4. Educational background (undergraduate and graduate degree programs)
5. Current status (taking courses, preparing for exams, researching dissertation, writing dissertation, defended/deposited dissertation)
6. Title of dissertation (if applicable)
7. Contact information (email, telephone number, preferred mailing address)
The deadline for submission of proposals is September 10, 2022.
Graduate students already presenting a paper at MESA are not eligible to participate concurrently in the Graduate Student Pre-Conference.
Proposals should be submitted by email to: Erika H. Gilson  [ehgilson@sas.upenn.edu] and Hakan Karateke  [karateke@uchicago.edu]

Applicants will be informed of the selection committee’s decision by October 1, 2022.


December 1, 2022

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