Takvim-i Vekayi

The Calendar of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Virtual Events Communication Platform

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[UCLA – The Promise Armenian Institute] Paging through Photos and Songs: Hayganush Mark and Koharig Ghazorian’s Friendship in Post-Genocide Istanbul

April 20, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm UTC-8

The Promise Institute for Human Rights and The Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA, in partnership with the UCLA Armenian Music Program under the direction of Movses Pogossian, present “Paging through Photos and Songs: Hayganush Mark and Koharig Ghazarosian’s Friendship in Post-Genocide Istanbul” by Dr. Melissa Bilal and Dr. Lerna Ekmekcioglu. This lecture is co-sponsored by the UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, UCLA Armenian Law Students’ Association, Armenian Museum of America, Society for Armenian Studies, and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research.

In this event, Dr. Lerna Ekmekcioglu (MIT) and Dr. Melissa Bilal (UCLA) will follow the story of a friendship between two Armenian women in Istanbul that endured the hardships of WWI, the Armenian Genocide, and early republican Turkey’s repressive minority politics. Hayganush Mark was the leading Armenian feminist writer of her time and Koharig Ghazarosian was a prominent composer, concert pianist, and piano teacher active in Paris and Istanbul. Their intertwined lives can be traced in photographs, letters, and pages of sheet music. Internationally acclaimed actress, filmmaker, and writer Nora Armani, mezzo-soprano Danielle Segen of the Vem Ensemble, and internationally renowned pianist Steven Vanhauwaert performed and recorded Ghazarosian’s song settings of Mark’s poetry to be premiered at this event. Through this repertoire which was brought back to life as a part of their ongoing project Feminism in Armenian: An Interpretive Anthology and Digital Archive, Bilal and Ekmekcioglu will discuss the ruptures and continuities in Armenian community life in Turkey.


April 20, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm UTC-8

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