Takvim-i Vekayi
The Calendar of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Virtual Events Communication Platform
If you are interested in submitting your events to be posted on this platform’s calendar, the Takvim-i Vekayi, please fill out this form and e-mail it to osta.webmaster@gmail.com and otsa.webeditor@gmail.com copying secretariattsa@gmail.com at least ten days before your event. The form will be processed within a week of receipt. We are grateful to our volunteer webmaster, Gharam Alsaedi, a UC Davis Computer Science senior, and our volunteer web editor Molly Powers, a UC Davis junior double majoring in International Relations and History, for their work on the Takvim-i Vekayi and to Professor Carole Woodall for her initiative in creating this calendar.

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[University of Texas at Austin] Turkish Literature in Translation: Amy Marie Spangler Discusses “A Strange Woman” by Leyla Erbil
September 29, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm CDT
The Turkish Literature in Translation Reading Group at the University of Texas at Austin is starting its sixth term with a recently translated novel: A Strange Woman (Tuhaf Bir Kadın. Deep Vellum Press; 2022) by Leyla Erbil. This is the first novel by a Turkish female writer to ever be nominated for the Nobel. It narrates the story of Nermin, a young woman and aspiring poet growing up in Istanbul. Nermin frequents coffeehouses and underground readings, determined to immerse herself in the creative, anarchist youth culture of Turkey’s capital; however, she is regularly thwarted by her complicated relationship to her parents, members of the old guard who are wary of Nermin’s turn toward secularism. One of the most influential Turkish writers of the twentieth century, Leyla Erbil was an innovative literary stylist who tackled issues at the heart of what it means to be human, in mind and body. Erbil ventured where few fast writers dared to tread, turning her lens to the tides of social norms and the shaping of identities, focusing intently on emotional conflict, and plumbing the depths of history and psyche. Translator Amy Marie Spangler will join the group for a Q&A interview with moderator İpek Şahinler, followed by a group discussion of the novel.
For more information on this event, please visit the event page.
To attend this event, please use this registration link.
Event contact information: İpek Şahinler at ipeksahinler@utexas.edu