Takvim-i Vekayi

The Calendar of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Virtual Events Communication Platform

If you are interested in submitting your events to be posted on this platform’s calendar, the Takvim-i Vekayi, please fill out this form and e-mail it to osta.webmaster@gmail.com and otsa.webeditor@gmail.com copying secretariattsa@gmail.com at least ten days before your event. The form will be processed within a week of receipt. We are grateful to our volunteer webmaster, Gharam Alsaedi, a UC Davis Computer Science senior, and our volunteer web editor Molly Powers, a UC Davis junior double majoring in International Relations and History, for their work on the Takvim-i Vekayi and to Professor Carole Woodall for her initiative in creating this calendar.

[The University of Texas at Austin] *Turkish Literature in Translation Reading Group at UT Austin // Spring 2023, 2nd meeting: Murathan Mungan’s Valor Stories—a conversation with Aron Aji and David Gramling

We welcome you to TLIT’s 7th term. Open to all, free and virtual discussions about Turkish literature. Follow us: http://literaturcapodcast.com/ For more information on this event, please view the event page. To attend this event, please use this registration link. For your questions, contact Ipek Sahinler at ipeksahinler@utexas.edu

[Leipzig University] PhD Position Religion in Turkey/Alevi Studies

I would like to announce a funded position for a Ph.D. student in the field of Modern Turkish Studies / Religious studies / Alevi Studies for 3 years (start July 1, 2023) at the Institute for the Study of Religions at Leipzig University. For more information see the following link: https://www.gkr.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/Fakult%C3%A4t_GKR/Religionswissenschaftliches_Institut/Dokumente/Ph.D._position_Turkish_Alevi_Studies_EN.pdf

[The University of Texas at Austin] *Turkish Literature in Translation Reading Group at UT Austin // Spring 2023, 3rd meeting: Refik Halit Karay’s Stories of Exile—a conversation with Karolina Dejnicka and Nefise Kahraman

We welcome you to TLIT’s 7th term. Open to all, free and virtual discussions about Turkish literature. Follow us: http://literaturcapodcast.com/ For more information on this event, please view the event page. To attend this event, please use this registration link. For your questions, contact Ipek Sahinler at ipeksahinler@utexas.edu

W’OTSAP FRIDAYS: “Empire of Refugees” with Vladimir Hamed Troyansky


Join OTSA and Vladimir Hamed Troyansky, University of California, Santa Barabara for a W'OTSAp Friday session titled "Empire of Refugees" on Friday, September 27, 2024 via Zoom, beginning at 12PM CST. Please register here: https://northwestern.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqdu6oqT4pHdBcoHSDgEwShf49XFAJ2L5I